
法律图书馆 | Resources Recommendations in November





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 U.S. Legal Reasoning, Writing, and Practice for International Lawyers 

John B. Thornton

Year 2014

Category Law--United States. Legal research--United States.

Call Number KF386/T483 2014

ISBN 978-0769856568

Location STL Law Library

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This book introduces the common-law system in the U.S. and contrasts it with the civil-law system. It helps students to address their second-language difficulties with targeted material that provides specific advice related to common student grammar issues, legal English vocabulary, the use of plain English, and the rhetorical style of U.S. legal writing.

The Americanisation of the World Trade Order 

Asif H Qureshi 

Year 2022

Category International trade--Foreign trade regulation.

Call Number HF1379/Q74 2022

ISBN 978-0367498351

Location STL Law Library

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This book provides insights into the world trading order that is informed by power—in particular, the unidirectional norm imparting impact of US foreign trade law and practice on its trading partners and non-State actors. In this context, the recent tensions between the US and China have brought to the fore several fundamental and systemic questions. 

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 Most Human Right: Why Free Speech Is Everything

Eric Heinze

Year 2022

Category Freedom of speech--Civil rights--Human rights.

Call Number K3254/H45 2022

ISBN 978-0262046459

Location STL Law Library

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In The Most Human Right, Eric Heinze explains why global human rights systems have failed, what makes human rights different from other systems of justice promising human goods, and how free speech distinguishes human rights from other ideas about justice.

Concentration and Power in the Food System: Who Controls What We Eat?

Philip H. Howard

Year 2021

Category Food industry and 

trade--United States.

Call Number HD9005/H68 2021

ISBN 978-1350183063

Location STL Law Library

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This book reveals the dominant corporations, from the supermarket to the seed industry, and the extent of their control over markets. It also analyzes the strategies these firms are using to reshape society in order to further increase their power, particularly in terms of their bearing upon the more vulnerable sections of society, such as recent immigrants, ethnic minorities and those of lower socioeconomic status. 

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A Guide To Global Private International Law

Paul Beaumont

Year 2022

Category Conflict of laws--Commercial law--Civil law.

Call Number K7040/G84 2022

ISBN 978-1509932078

Location STL Law Library

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This book provides a substantial overview of the discipline of private international law viewed from a global perspective.The guide is divided into 4 key sections: Theory, Institutional and Conceptual Framework Issues, Civil and Commercial Law (apart from Family Law), and Family Law. The chapters address specific areas/aspects of private international law and consider the existing global solutions and the possibilities of improving/creating them.



Year 2021

Category 律师--工作

Call Number D916.5/73

ISBN 978-7100200608

Location STL Law Library

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Year 2021

Category 信托法--研究

Call Number D912.280.4/60.v2

ISBN 978-7309156362

Location STL Law Library

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Year 2021

Category 公法--研究

Call Number D90/361:2

ISBN 978-7100194723

Location STL Law Library

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理性机器人: 人工智能


瑞恩·艾伯特著, 张金平等译

Year 2022

Category 人工智能--法律--研究

Call Number D912.174/11

ISBN 978-7208172654

Location STL Law Library

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Lexis Advance Hong Kong

Lexis Advance® Hong Kong hosts an extensive content source and incorporates the latest legislation, case law, commentary and our Practical Guidance solutions on precedents and workflow documents. In the era of information, it is crucial to access relevant information efficiently to assist you to make better informed legal decisions.

Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law

The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL) provides a high level of analytical coverage of constitutional law topics in a comparative context. MPECCoL articles address a focused range of topics that provide the best coverage of the essence, character, development, and history of constitutional law from a global perspective.

Oxford Legal Research Library

OLRL is a new family of products from Oxford University Press, providing integrated access across collections of key law titles in a variety of subject areas. OLRL currently includes four collections, International Commercial Arbitration, International Commercial Law, Financial and Banking Law, and Private International Law. Each collection can be browsed and searched separately, or users with access to both products can choose to search them together via the OLRL family interface. The OLRL collections aim to speed up research and provide easy access to authoritative content, and are an essential resource for anyone currently performing research in these areas of law and practice.

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